Baby care, Nursery and Preschool available.
Preschool care is traditionally what Carleton Childcare is known for, in recent years we have expanded to take 2 year olds and babies with extended hours into full days care. The session are however flexible and term time only if required.
Our education programme follows the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) which is part of the standards that Ofsted inspect us on. More detailed information can be found about the EYFS in the education section of the main menu.
In preschool children progress at a fast pace and are learning new skills every day, this is enhanced by the way we plan our activities to enhance communication, physical skills and personal, social and emotional development.
As Parents you can be assured that by following the EYFS we are preparing your child for an easy transition in to primary school as all schools also continue to follow the EYFS until the end of reception class.