

Play, grow and learn at Carleton Childcare

The statutory framework for the early years foundation stage – september 2021 

At Carleton Childcare we follow a structure of learning, development and care for children from birth to five years old. This is called the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and it enables your child to learn through a range of activities, which are inspected and judged by Ofsted. The EYFS gives us as professionals a common set of principles and commitments that help us deliver quality early education and childcare experiences for all the children in our care.

How does Carleton Childcare implement the Early Years Foundation Stage?

We ensure that by following the EYFS:

  • every child receives quality and consistency, so that every child makes good progress.
  • Children have a secure foundation through planning for their learning and development for each individual, we review and assess what they have learned regularly
  • we work in partnership with parents and carers
  • Every child is included and supported 

As Parents you can be assured that by following the EYFS we are preparing your child for an easy transition in to primary school as all schools also continue to follow the EYFS until the end of reception class.

The revised EYFS comes into practice in September 2021 and our staff have already begun to receive training to ensure we have the most up to date skills available.

What we will be doing to implement the revised EYFS at Carleton Childcare –

  • the areas of learning will shape activities and experiences for the children
  • safeguard the children and promote welfare in the setting
  • continue to enhance assessment arrangements by using in the moment planning
  • Share with parents a summary of their child’s progress at 2 years old
  • Enable environments with teaching and support from the staff

This will be completed by using the three prime areas of learning: personal, social and emotional development; communication and language; and physical development

– Along with four specific areas of learning: literacy; mathematics; expressive arts and design; and understanding the world.

What does this mean?

As your chosen childcare provider it means that we will ensure your children

  • Learn whilst playing and making friends, forming long lasting relationships. The children learn to respect one another showing a range of feelings and behave appropriately whilst in our care, promoting confidence in their abilities, for example – working together to build a tower.
  • Develop confidence in expressing themselves learning to speak and listen in different situation and follow instruction for example – sharing news at carpet time.
  • Have opportunities to be active and interactive developing their co-ordination and movement. Make healthy choices at meal times. For example – choosing to play outside on the climbing frame.
  • Begin to understand sounds and letters choose books to read and look at igniting their interest in the written word. For example – sitting in the reading area looking at books.
  • Develop and improve their skills in counting and use shapes, space and measurement. For example – pouring and measuring in the water tray with containers.
  • Explore and play with a range of materials. Learn and practice music and movement, dance and role play, design and technology.For example – dressing up in school uniforms the term before school and playing ‘schools’ in the home corner.
  • Understand the world around them and become an active part of the community. For example – joining in with the local school sports day.

How will we keep you informed of your child’s progress in the EYFS?

At Carleton Childcare we have a number of ways in which we keep you informed of your child’s progress, you can access them all or choose the best way for you ;-

  • Key person – your child’s key person will communicate with you regularly on your child’s progress.  They can be seen in person or spoken to on the phone if you want to call.
  • Parent’s information evenings – these are held once a year and give a clear understanding on the care and education we provide.
  • We produce a comprehensive newsletter each term with details of what we are doing and how you can be involved at home.
  • Your child’s file contains significant events, comments and photographs of your child’s progression through the EYFS. This file can be seen at any time, just ask your keyworker.
  • Parents evening – we regularly hold parents evenings which give you the opportunity to come and look at your child’s file and ask your keyworker any questions.
  • monthly you will receive a focus letter asking what your child has been learning at home so we can enhance on their interests in the setting

Statutory guidelines – Policies and procedures

We have a comprehensive set of policies and procedures that complement the statutory guidelines from Ofsted. These are working documents that provide a guide to ensure the statutory guidelines are followed. Examples are risk assessments, health and safety and safeguarding children.

A full set of these policies are available for parents to view in the setting and form part of your induction when your child starts at the setting.